"Romantic Ireland's dead and gone, It's with O'Leary in the grave." The poem, September 1913 by the visionary Yeats. Words that have lost no relevance since the time of their penning; as much a sign of the times then as now.
Authentic living, or our sense of the real has been inverted. Our lives feel fake, but this is indeed the clichéd mundane existence of the consumer and from which all manners of secular ideologies have tried to supplement mans craving for something higher or something he lacks completely. For most of us have felt magnetised at some point in our lives to something that we find void in ourselves or would feel would make us complete, be it objects or variables of any sort. In essence we are drawn to those things that we see are intimately a part of our true selves. Sometimes it is a sign of a vital energy that manifests itself when we are exposed to situations that awaken hidden archetypes deep in the blood memory. Often they awaken in times of great change, upheaval or war itself. Depending on how ripe these archetypes are, we react accordingly but unless the individuals spirit is centered correctly they will fall back into an unending liberal nihilism of blank slab nothingness, becoming yet another rebel without cause.
This leaves the "self", stripped of all organic traditional and communal bonds, freed of responsibilities/duty (dharma in ancient Sanskrit) open onto itself. It panics. Without leadership, without support, without traditional reference points it yields to outside influences of diabolical character that take on a sinister substitute.
Examples abound in the controlling methods of the ruling plutocratic technorati. Modern advertising and political marketing play on sub- intellectual and irrational forces of the psyche, selling to the animal side of our nature to what is lower than human. Fear, food, comfort and sex. Everybody's irrational fantasies and desires. It is the lowest common denominator because in a world of "equality", "multi-culturalism" and de-humanisation there is nothing but the sub-human instincts of impulses to unite us. Nothing else inhabits our commonality.
We are reduced to the impetus of an animal, and of course there are those now who would equate "human rights" with such. That is, if we are to acknowledge in the first place if values of an all too human nature have "rights" when in this world what is above human (supra-human) is denied any. I don't wish to digress, but a distressed people, with no true sense of folk consciousness or of themselves, is finished.
Unknown to many, the decadence of Ireland has been developing for centuries. Besides the obvious destructive Norman and British interventions, other unforeseen forces equalling in damage have acted alongside and long preceded them. Such invasions have been those of the psyche.
As if imprinted on us from birth, hidden unconscious influences act within and upon us. These subtle forces often take centuries to blossom into fruition from their original planting. They are often composed of layered memes, archons, egregores etc of false truths that have been reinforced over and over in various ways. It is precisely a ragged collection of these subliminal forces that the modern mindset is composed of. Scholars have traced these insidious forces to the great changes in ideas that occurred during the so-called "Renaissance", but their origins are far beyond this, rooted in the cycles of many ages and their declines.
At this point a brief description here of how Ireland began to slip is not unwarranted. Irelands truest golden age is often celebrated in lore as having been ruled by divine beings (those closely linked with the transcendent) who placed spirit as their highest law. This was not due to an inherent primitivism in those people, as the pulpits of "progress" would have us believe today. No, theirs was a higher wisdom whose virtues were ultimately referenced from a higher plane of consciousness that modern man cripples in comparison to. What these ancients professed were not crude, sentimental, superstitions but a highly developed traditional worldview that understood the workings of human society, the psyche and their relationship with the universe.
Foretold in legend as a heavenly race mysterious in its origins they had no absolute beginning or becoming, they just "were". Arriving from a cloud of mist one day, they lay siege to the elemental inhabitants and initiated law from above. These were the tribe of the goddess Danu; the Tuatha de Danann. They brought with them, among other objects related to grail mythos, the Lia Fáil or "Stone of Destiny". This "lucifarian" stone from the heavens would consecrate the sovereign high kings or Ard Rí na hÉireann (analogous to the Imperator Scotorum) for hundreds of generations as the divine temporal manifestation of the primordial origins on earth.
Today, the Lia Fáil still stands defiantly atop Tara (Teamhair na Rí) in the heart of our nation where once the fifth province of Ireland,called the middle kingdom or Mídhe (Co. Meath), was known. This sacred royal centre up until the middle ages was the symbolic pivot of power of our nobility. It's essence can be envisioned in the symbol of the Celtic Cross by the outer wheel representing the power that accumulates around its axis, the strength of which lies at the centre of the intersecting vertical and horizontal lines. The sovereign symbol (masculine principle) of the phallic stone calmed and dominated its surroundings, owing to a presence that attracted power (feminine principle) like a magnet to it. It was this sovereign presence that created "peace" and formed the essence of a natural hierarchy proper to a spiritual authority.
Before the Tuatha de Dannan subsided into gods of the otherworld the Gaels would follow under the Sons of Míl and institutionalise the Gaelic aristocracy. They also appeared similar to the former inhabitants, in the manner that they were of noble Indo-European stock of warrior ethos and maintained a complex and honorable social policy understood as the Brehon Laws. One cannot ignore the unity through hierarchy that existed in our society through the Brehon laws. How as a spiritual formation this system encapsulated the soul of our heritage that encompassed a supra-worldview of rites, sacrifices and heroic actions, from the lower to the higher, strengthening the whole in harmony; macrocosm with microcosm.
Despite earlier syncretistic attitudes to pagan ideals, Christianity would follow to detrimental effect. While lauded by monastic scribes as Irelands finest age, it was more tragically a silent symbol of an inner decadence in its higher ancient nobility. Here too, our perception of time would be distorted into a linear vector as opposed to an outlook of cyclical ages. How the absolute beginning of original sin to the absolute end of a final judgment of those few perfected souls created a linearity to the effect that secularisation resulted in our logical acceptance of the idea of "progress" as a doctrine of continual improvement against the backdrop of a decadent past. It is this rigid fatalism of modernism that truncates mans link to his hereditary lineage and discredits this past as an error to be expiated in a perfected future. There is not much to cover what has already been said, but the effect that underlying Semitic influences would have on a whole cultural character of a people would eventually smash their most important bridge to a transcendent imperium.
Intrinsic to this is the Animist faiths of the folk that take on a sentimental view of mans surroundings, and attach symbols, meanings and spirit to both animate and inanimate objects. This lower (but no less legitimate) form of spiritual outlook is appropriate for the folk on their own plane, but is lesser in its nature as opposed to the higher mysteries and specific initiate practices that must be taken up by those heralding an aristocratic virtue. These traditional rites (although lost to us today) in turn established the sacred throne of the Ard Rí, whose presence as a godlike representation on earth was akin to establishing order to the primordial chaos.
Over a thousand years following Catholicism, secular influences would seep in to such an extent as to provide a final catharsis for how we experience the sacred and leave us with a bland ego-centered techno-rationalism, in a final reign of quantity over quality. All sense of sacredness attached to our people, land, customs, mystery and tradition by the 21st Century would be removed.
Early deviations of this substance were formed by germs of the humanist "discoveries", influenced by decadent secular philosophies that flourished during the period of the renaissance. As a consequence those in power felt themselves freed from traditional ties to religion and embarked on their project of "Enlightenment". Man would now realise himself through technology and progress, solely on the material plane of immanence. All ties to tradition and to past wisdom would be mocked upon in favor of future worship. More precisely that the drudgery occupations of the modern day would be justified by the promise for an illusory better future. This elusive future of course can never come into being due to the mania of infinite becoming enraptured in the pathos of modern progress.
But this would not be the only problem modern man would draw from enlightenment ideas. He would cast away all references to manifestations of higher laws from above and associate the gods, god and the higher spirit with oppression and injustice. This was a dangerous deviation; the cutting of all paths to the transcendent that concluded man could never rise above his self. The potential to divine greatness would be castrated. The likes of this secular rationalism on a scale such as how we experience it today was unknown in recorded history.
The same detractions would be used to break down the Traditional Holy Roman Empire and pit new creationist faiths against it. Europe would be split into Protestant versus traditionally Catholic regions and illegitimate sovereign heads would appear to fill in the vacuum. One such enterprise was the "British Empire" armed with dogmatic Old Testament ideologies initiated from the order of Israelites. With sponsorship from the City of London and destitute merchant banking families from the continent it would launch successive wars of biblical extermination to rid Ireland of its "Canaanites" and exploit the profits thereafter.
Out of all of this, the final milestone of Imeacht na nIarlaí, the departure of Ireland's ancient chieftains, heralded the greatest disaster. Although a few held skirmishes of resistance, all succumbed eventually and a large part of the folk would become deracinated and subject to slavery, amongst other laments. The land would be plundered for resources with all traditional beliefs, customs, and language suppressed and discouraged for generations, for Ireland was under subjugation to a foreign Crown, unlike many other countries in continental Europe, who retained their freedom. To make matters worse, it was taken at the threshold of modernism in Europe and the industrial revolution that followed. In effect it faced the worst of what calamities that transitional era offered. On an esoteric level, the spiritual authority that gave form to a peoples traditional identity was removed. Ireland was no longer its true self, and even decades after our "independence" and from the "Free State" onwards to what will be our eventual dissolution into the N.W.O EU super-state, we have yet to reconstruct our true centre and unleash our divine potential. Without it we face continual rebirth into rapid decline before that total obliteration.
What is being witnessed on a global level may encompass a final end to an entire era of human history, to which Ireland is not to be spared but whored out unsparingly to international mercantile world state interests. Ireland is now a de-sacralised void to be filled with vast industrialised estates littered with endless tarmac, concrete, dust, steel and glass. First the land and natural resources were plundered by foreign entities, now its unique indigenous people will be discarded through immigrant plantations. It is a process already in its advanced stages. For nothing gets in the way of Globalism and capitalist "progress". Ireland is fast losing its majestical character and is now reduced to a terminal point for profit and crass utilitarian purposes. The destruction of irreplaceable properties both ancient and sacred is ongoing and sees no sign of turning back or even of possible restoration. It appears tradition or any sense of cultural significance has no place here and is actively denied.
Where did all of this deconstruction leave us? While those of a lower disposition to rule (namely the bourgeois) took power, the spiritually atomised masses had to centre their identity somewhere. In confusion they sold out to market forces and yielded to consumer branding and corporate identities. Others being disgusted with such circumstances resorted to a rebelling of sorts (perhaps instinctively), and affiliated themselves to post-modern tribal constructs. Many of these sub-cultures such as the "hippy" movement would later be digested by the system and sold straight back to the crowd. Others yet resorted to artistic statements and extremities. Beyond this existential crisis there was only burn out and dissolution. Such is the genius of the inverted "liberation" of man.
There is no escape but to recognise and remove ones spirit from this age of carcinogenic values and re-orientate it to a higher state of being. Because such modern "values" of humanist ego worship inherently have no value they must be torn out and cast away into the abyss. Here we have few options but to begin once more, stripped of modern values while drawing inspiration from the furthest reaches of our primordial memory. By doing so, almost ex-nihilo, we relive once again the original spirit of our ancestors in their foundational acts in a heroic eternal reoccurrence of the same. Therein lies the formative characteristic for any positive action where one assumes an active nihilism from this point onward.
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